Dominic Hopkinson MRSS Sculpture and Mathematics
Dominic Hopkinson

Curriculum Vitae.
Dominic Hopkinson MRSS
07929 322251
Elected a member of the Royal British Society of Sculptors in June 2016.
1988 - 1991 Exeter College of Art & Design. B.A Hons Fine Art (Sculpture)
Thesis: “Art, Science and Predictive Aesthetics”
Thesis archived at Chelsea College of Art.
1987 - 1988 Swindon College of Art & Design. Foundation Course.
Selected Exhibitions
2022 Presented talk about my work to the DMV, the German Mathematical Society, at their annual conference.
2022 Co-delivered the Cheney Lecture at University of Leeds, on the subject of X-ray crystallography and aperiodic structures with Prof.
Ron Lifshitz of University of Tel Aviv.
2022 "40th Anniversary Exhibition" Group exhibition at South Square Gallery, Bradford.
2022 Exhibition of work at Middlethorpe Manor Sculpture Garden, York.
2021 "Material Matters" Group exhibition at Sunny Bank Mill Gallery.
2020 "Potential of Pattern" Group exhibition at Sunny Bank Mill Gallery.
2019 "Scientific Sublime" Solo exhibition at BLANK_gallery, Leeds City College Creative Arts Campus.
2018 "Time, Space, Existence" Palazzo Mora, Venice as part of the Venice Architecture Biennale, hosted by the European Cultural
Centre, and organised by the GAA Foundation. May 26th to November 25th.
2018 Exhibition of work at Elemental Sculpture Park, Cirencester.
2017 Sale of work at Elemental Sculpture Park, Cirencester.
2017 "Hypogeal" Group Exhibition, BasementArts Project, Leeds
2016 “STEAMahead” Group exhibition of work in art and science held at South Square
Gallery, Thornton, Bradford.
2016 Presented a public workshop on Aperiodic Systems at The Royal Society, London.
Co-presented with the mathematician Dr. Priya Subramanian.
2016 Delivered a talk on Aperiodic Systems at the Big Draw STEAM Symposium hosted
at The Baltic, Newcastle.
2016 Exhibited at MoMath Matrix conference. A three day international maths
communication and outreach conference organised with the Museum of Maths,
New York, hosted by the University of Leeds.
2016 “A Study of Aperiodic Tiling, with special reference to the 3rd dimension”
Solo exhibition at BasementArtsProject, Leeds.
2015 “A Harmony of Spheres” Solo exhibition at BasementArtsProject, Leeds.
2012 “Sculpture at Holy Trinity” Group exhibition, York.
2012 “Buckminster, Meet Plato” Solo exhibition at York College Gallery.
2010 “The Great North Art Show” Group exhibition at Ripon Cathedral.
2010 “Plato, Meet Buckminster” solo exhibition at South Square Gallery, Thornton,
2009 Group exhibition, The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle.
2009 “Secret Garden” Group exhibition, The Art Works Gallery, Newcastle.
2008 “Abstract” Group exhibition, The Art Works Gallery, Newcastle.
2007 “Munster Sculpture Symposium” A two week carving symposium/residency hosted
as part of Munster Sculptur Projekt 2007.
2006 “Molecular Inflation” Solo exhibition at The Northcote Gallery, University of Exeter.
The culmination of a residency at “egenis” (part of the Economic and Social
Research Council’s genetics network. The residency was funded by the Arts Council
2005 “South West Academy Show” Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter.
Since 2012 I have been a major participant of The Superposition, an Art, Science and Maker collective, based in Leeds.
2019 - 2020 Invited to participate in the Bragg Edition of the Creative Labs program,
developed and led by the Cultural Institute at the University of Leeds.
2017 - 2018 Artist in Residence at the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds.
Arts Council England funded research project, studying Aperiodic tiling systems
in multiple dimensions, with Prof. Alastair Rucklidge and Dr Priya Subramanian.
2015 Commissioned to build “Unit Cell” to DESY, (the Deutsche Electron Synchotron)
as part of the University of Hamburg’s “Night of Knowledge”. “Unit Cell” is now
permanently displayed at the Centre for Free Electron Laser Science, DESY.
2014 Commission to design and instal a large scale kinetic sculpture for the School of
Mathematics, University of Leeds, with artist Lawrence Molloy and Chemical
Physicist Dr Mike Nix. The sculpture was based on fluid mechanics.
2013 Design and build “Unit Cell” a large scale sculptural installation based on x-ray
crystallography, commissioned for the Bragg Centenary Lecture at University of
Leeds. The lecture was delivered by Prof. Dan Schectmann, the 2011 Nobel prize
winner for chemistry, who discovered aperiodicy in certain 3d atomic crystal lattices.
2013 Work with artist Lawrence Molloy to produce “Invisible Sculptures” exhibition at The
Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery, Leeds.
2007 Contracted to deliver stone carving for the Estate of Ian Hamilton-Finlay. Due to
Finlay’s unique working process there were some projects outstanding after his
death in 2006 that needed completing. This work was for a private collector in
Basel, Switzerland.
1991-93 Studio Assistant to sculptor Peter Randall-Page. Working on major sculptures for
Peter’s Retrospective at Henry Moore Institute, Leeds and the Yorkshire Sculpture
1990-91 Studio Assistant to sculptor Barry Mason, Stroud, Gloucestershire.
1988 Studio Assistant to sculptor Maria Feliol, Swindon, Wiltshire.
Maria was invited over from Portugal to work on a large scale public sculpture, sited
at Liden Lagoon, Swindon.
University of Leeds, School of Mathematics.
University of Exeter sculpture Collection.
School of Business and Economics, Xfi Building, Exeter.
egenis Economic and Social Research Council collection.
Private collections in UK and Australia.
2010 - present
2010 - present
Dominic taught a sculpture course at York College from 2007-2014 and is a freelance art technician and exhibition designer working for Impressions Gallery, and the National Media Museum, Bradford, The Ferens Gallery, Hull, University of Leeds Fine Art Dept, and other venues across the North of England.